Right to object

There are 2 situations in which people have the right to ask an organisation not to use their personal data anymore. This is called the right to object. People can object to the use of their personal data because of their specific situation. Or because they do not want to receive direct marketing.

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Right to object: specific situation

People can object to the use of their personal data because of their specific situation, in other words: their special personal circumstances. The policy of the organisation is permitted, but the circumstances require a new assessment. For example if someone participated in a medical trial as a patient, but discovers later that an acquaintance works at that centre as a researcher. Maybe that person would prefer that the research data are no longer used.

Objection because of specific situation

Do you not want an organisation to use your personal data because of your specific situation? Then you can object to the use of your data by sending an email or a letter. In doing so, you force the organisation to make an assessment. You can use the objection because of specific situation example letter (in Dutch) of the Dutch Data Protection Authority for your request.

At Using your privacy rights, you can read about what to do if you want to object. And what you can expect from the organisation then. 

Did you object because of your specific situation? Then the organisation will have to stop processing your data. Unless the organisation has very good reasons to continue processing your data that outweigh your interests or that are related to a legal claim. As long as it is not clear what carries more weight, the organisation is not permitted to use your data.

Right to object: direct marketing

An organisation at which you are a customer is allowed (on specific conditions) to send you advertising post without your consent. Do you not want to receive advertising post from this organisation anymore? Then you can object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing by sending an email or a letter. You can use the objection to direct marketing example letter of the Dutch Data Protection Authority for your request.

At Using your privacy rights, you can read about what to do if you want to object. And what you can expect from the organisation then. 

If you have objected to direct marketing, the organisation is not permitted to send you advertising post anymore. The organisation is not allowed to ask you why you object.