Transfer within and outside the EEA

Sometimes, sharing data with a party in another country is necessary. We call this transfer. However, the protection of personal data has not been arranged in the same way in all countries. Transferring personal data from the Netherlands to another country is only permitted if that country offers sufficient protection.

On this page

  1. General information

Rules for transfers

Data transfers to countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) are subject to other rules than transfers to countries outside the EEA (so-called third countries). Transfers outside the EEA are possible with, for example, a model contract

Different rules also apply for transfers to the United States (US). How this works, depends on whether that organisation participates in the Data Privacy Framework.

Do you want to transfer personal data to the United Kingdom (UK)? Then you can continue to do this like you have always done, even after the Brexit.

Data traffic within the organisation

International organisations or multinationals may draw up internal company regulations for the data traffic within their own organisation. Those regulations are called binding corporate rules (BCR).

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International cooperation

The processing of personal data does not stop at the Dutch border. This is why the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) cooperates intensively with partners within and outside Europe.
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