
Do you, as an organisation in the European Economic Area (EEA), transfer personal data to organisations in the United Kingdom (UK)? Then you can continue doing this as usual. Even though the UK is no longer part of the EEA because of Brexit. 

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Free data exchange with the UK

The European Commission (EC) has taken 2 adequacy decisions for the UK (1 for the GDPR and 1 for the Directive on data protection in the law enforcement sector). By taking these decisions, the EC considers the level of protection of personal data in the UK to be equivalent to that in the EEA.

This means that you can freely exchange data with the UK. You therefore do not have to use transfer instruments such as a model contract, which you would normally need for transfers to a country outside the EEA.

Receiving data from the UK

Organisations in the UK can also freely send personal data to organisations in the EEA. This was announced by the British government. So do you receive data from the UK? Then Brexit does not affect this either.