Cooperation within Europe

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) cooperates intensively within Europe. Firstly, this is done within the European Data Protection Board (EDPB). In addition, the Dutch DPA cooperates in permanent committees for coordinated supervision of the police, judicial authorities and border control and participates in the annual European privacy conference.

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European Data Protection Board (EDPB)

The Dutch DPA is a member of the European Data Protection Board EDPB. This is an independent body in which all national data protection authorities from the European Union (EU) cooperate.

The EDPB ensures that the privacy legislation is applied consistently throughout the EU. For example, by publishing recommendations, decisions and guidelines with an explanation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

GDPR one-stop-shop mechanism

The Dutch DPA also cooperates with the other EU data protection authorities on cross-border cases. For example, on an investigation into an organisation that processes data in several EU member states.

The supervisory authority of the country in which the central administration of the organisation is located is in charge of such investigation. But this authority actually cooperates with one or more other supervisory authorities. This is called the one-stop-shop mechanism.

Supervision of police and judicial authorities

Terrorism and crime are increasingly fought at the European level. In this context, EU Member States also exchange ever more personal data, for example of suspects. 

This personal data processing is subject to independent supervision. The Dutch DPA participates on behalf of the Netherlands in the supervision of Europol and Eurojust and the supervision of European information systems.

European privacy conference

Every year, the data protection agencies of the member states of the Council of Europe come together at a private conference, the Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities (Spring Conference).

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and the joint European supervisory bodies for the police and judicial authorities attend this conference. The European Commission and the Council of Europe are observers.

During this conference, the attendees exchange information about ongoing activities and discuss common, often current, topics.

Case Handling Workshop

Under the responsibility of the European Privacy Conference, the so-called Case Handling Workshop is organised once every year.

This is a workshop for employees of the supervisory authorities that participate in the Spring Conference. Here they get acquainted with each other’s work (method) and are given the opportunity to exchange experiences and share best practices.