
Here you find all public documents of the Dutch Data Protection Authority from 25 May 2018. Are you looking for an older document? Please consult our web archive.

Model letter for rectification or destruction judicial authorities

View model letter
Word, 13 KB
PDF, 58 KB

Model letter for request of access judicial authorities

View model letter
Word, 15 KB
PDF, 307 KB

Europol - Guide for Exercising Data Subjects Rights

View manual
PDF, 508 KB

Guidelines on the calculation of administrative fines

View guidelines
PDF, 787 KB

Model letter for request of access police or special investigation services

View model letter
Word, 15 KB
PDF, 307 KB

Model letter for rectification or destruction police or special investigation services

View model letter
Word, 13 KB
PDF, 58 KB

JSB Europol activity report 2012-2017

View report
PDF, 281 KB