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AP legt focus in toezicht op datahandel, digitale overheid en AI

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Dutch DPA issues formal warning to supermarket for use of facial recognition technology

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Formele waarschuwing AP aan supermarkt om gezichtsherkenning

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Methods used by Dutch Tax Administration unlawful and discriminatory

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Werkwijze Belastingdienst in strijd met de wet en discriminerend

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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: 'Computer says no' is niet genoeg

Aleid Wolfsen
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DPA fines DPG Media for unnecessarily requesting copies of identity documents

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AP: Boete DPG Media voor onnodig opvragen identiteitsbewijs

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Boete voor Spaans hotel na klacht Nederlander

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Spaanse boete voor recruiter na Nederlandse klacht

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Dutch regulators press for better information about online use of internet users’ data

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