AI & algorithmic risks: developments in the Netherlands

The adoption and use of AI and algorithmic systems is growing rapidly. Along with positive effects, there are also risks to fundamental values and rights. Twice a year, the AP provides insight into their observations, knowledge and guidance regarding the impact and risks of this technology, bit also the measures to control these systems. This page provides a run-down of those insights by subject. 

On this page

  1. General information

AI & Algorithmic Risks Report Netherlands (ARR)

Every six months, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) publishes its AI & Algorithmic Risks Report Netherlands (ARR). In compiling the ARR, we draw on our own observations and analyses, the knowledge we gather through our network, and conversations with experts and society. 

On many fronts, we still have an incomplete view of the risks associated with AI and algorithms. By publishing the ARR, our aim is to build a comprehensive understanding and overview of the risks, while also suggesting measures, policies and tools to mitigate these risks. 

Current algorithmic risks in the Netherlands

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This list will expand with relevant content from every edition of the ARR.

Read the full reports

We welcome your feedback and suggestions concerning the ARR. Please email it to the Department for Coordination of Algorithmic oversight (DCA):  via