
Here you find all public documents of the Dutch Data Protection Authority from 25 May 2018. Are you looking for an older document? Please consult our web archive.

Questionnaire personal data breach notification form

View manual
Word, 197 KB

Additional accreditation requirements for certification bodies

View policy rules
PDF, 510 KB

Accreditation requirements for GDPR code of conduct monitoring bodies

View policy rules
PDF, 592 KB

Right to information - Guide for authorities when taking fingerprints for Eurodac

View handbook
PDF, 663 KB

Guidelines on automated individual decision-making and profiling

View guidelines
PDF, 970 KB

Guidelines on the application and setting of administrative fines

View guidelines
PDF, 538 KB

JSB Europol activity report 2012-2017

View report
PDF, 281 KB

Guidelines on Data Protection Officers (‘DPOs’)

View guidelines
PDF, 806 KB